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Key Takeaways from The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle

In the golden words of Peter Drucker, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast“. When I read the book “The Culture Code” by Daniel Coyle I literally found the relevance of this quote at its core. A solid read which is based on research and practical case studies on Pixar, Google, US Navy Seals, and many stories that will stay with you to reflect. Working together in a team wins championships and makes the world go round. Even the most brilliant minds among us require a helping hand now and then to get their ideas off the ground, but pulling together to achieve a common aim isn’t as easy as it looks on paper. Whether it’s on the sports field or in the office, a group dynamic that is dysfunctional can quickly sour the atmosphere and lead to all manner of infighting. So what makes a team more than the sum of its parts? Drawing on evidence ranging from a study of kindergarteners building a spaghetti tower to the way today’s most successful companies run their workplaces, Daniel Coyle’s “The Culture Code” explores the relevance of the way we interact with our teammates while providing plenty of tips on how to avoid inadvertently throwing a wrench into the works.

Key Takeaway 1- Group Culture

One of the greatest takeaways from the group is comprehending group culture much deeper. It is easier to identify a group culture whether it was weak or strong. With reference to research carried out by engineer Peter Skill, he asked groups of kindergartners, business school students, and lawyers to take part in a competition. The objective of the exercise was to build the tallest possible structure using uncooked spaghetti, tape, a yard of string, and a single marshmallow.

If you were the betting type, you’d surely put your money on the students or lawyers, right?

After all, they’re the ones with the most experience and general knowledge. As it turned out, it was the kindergartners who usually won. So, how did they prevail over their older and presumably wiser competitors? The answer was group dynamics.

The fact of the matter is, the lawyers and a group of students began by discussing the hierarchy to follow, who will distribute the task, and then debating on the right strategy to follow. Rather than trying to figure out who was responsible for what, they simply got on with the task. Hardly wasting a word, they huddled together and started experimenting. If one attempt failed, they tried something else. They ended up winning the competition because they were focused on interaction. They were cooperating to achieve a shared goal rather than competing amongst themselves.

Whether it’s a family, a circle of friends, or work colleagues, we’re all members of different groups. And, big or small, every group has its own distinctive culture. So, what’s a group culture? In essence, it’s the relationships between people working together to achieve a common aim. Not all group cultures are alike though. Some work well, while others are dysfunctional. You can spot a poor group culture a mile off. If you’ve ever worked in an office, you’ll know the atmosphere is so thick and tense you could cut it with a knife. That’s often the result of group members focusing on the wrong thing. Rather than paying attention to the quality of their interactions, they struggle to determine their position within the group and spend time worrying about their own status. As soon as you start doing that, you’re no longer focused on the work at hand. Everything becomes a question of whose ideas can be criticized, and which rules are open for debate. That’s a recipe for disaster.

Key Takeaway – The Safety Circle

Cultivating a sense of safety and belonging is the foundation of a strong group culture. A group performs at a much higher level if each of its members feels safe. It’s worth thinking about the concept of safety a little deeper. What is it, and why is it so important? Safety is ultimately about a sense of belonging, familiarity and connections. When we feel safe, we know that there aren’t unseen dangers lurking around every corner. A strong group culture nurtures that sense, and that, in turn, boosts individual performance. With reference to research performed by Professor Alex Sandy Pentland at the MIT Media Lab. Essentially, students were divided into groups of two and both these groups were placed in the scenarios to play the roles of bosses and employees engaged in negotiations about remuneration, leaves, health benefits, and vacations. This research was guided by a technical instrument like a sociometer, which is a device to collect data, and a sensor programmed to pick up belonging cues like eye contact, mimicry, and physical proximity to analyze the negotiations. Paying attention to these cues allowed Pentland to gauge the sense of safety of the participants. We are wired to be constantly alert and on the lookout for signs of danger, so these behavioral traits are a good indication of when we feel safe in our environment. It was the interaction that determined the outcome, not what was being said. Unless there is an environment where team members feel safe to express their ideas or thoughts they might never give honest feedback. Furthermore, if there is no sense of belonging and an individual always needs to explain one’s actions might turn out recipe to build a weak culture.

Key Takeaway3 Sharing Vulnerabilities

Sharing your vulnerabilities is vital if you want your group to perform at its highest level. Take a moment to think about how you interact with others. While it might sound counterintuitive sharing your vulnerabilities is essential to boosting group performance. Essentially, this works by mirroring the common dynamic in groups. We pick up on the way those around us behave and take up the same patterns. Admitting weaknesses and mistakes signals to other group members that they can do the same. That’s a great way to build trust in the team. Jeff Polzer, a professor in organizational behavior at Harvard calls this a vulnerability loop. This essentially refers to a feedback loop between the members of a group. Which generates the sense of closeness essential to cohesive group performance.


Think about the artifacts within your organization that talks about safety and interconnections among the members. In what aspects do you as a leader, emit intentional cues of belonging, giving room to innovate, make mistakes, and, practice servant leadership?

This book is an excellent read for any team leader and people manager since it gives deep insights into group dynamics and how to comprehend actions. When a team focuses its attention on the wrong thing, it loses sight of what’s most important to its performance. However, a healthy and productive group dynamic is possible. The best way of achieving it is to create a safe environment in which everyone can share their vulnerabilities. When you add a common sense of purpose into the mix, you’ve got the perfect recipe for success! Whether it’s your family, local soccer team, or workplace, chances are that you’re part of at least one group, so how do you go about contributing to its success? Your individual performance is essential for sure, but you shouldn’t forget about working to create a healthy group dynamic. I highly recommend this book and let me know what is your takeaway from this book.


Bibliophile Parul


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Stronger Together!

Hey there, I'm Parul, working in one of the Big 4s of consulting! 💼

By day, I'm decoding the business matrix, but by night, I transform into a book ninja, stealthily navigating the worlds crafted by the greatest authors📚✨


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